Learning through the Journey

Going through this experience has given me a much better understanding of what my weight loss clients must deal with on a daily basis. To be perfectly honest, this is the first time that I have purposefully set out to lose weight. The best method is prevention. That is what I strive for… I stay active and eat well. But weight gain doesn’t usually happen quickly. Americans gain an average of 1-2# a year during the holidays (just the holidays). 1-2# doesn’t seem like a big deal until 10 years later and you’re”suddenly” 20#’s overweight. This challenge as well as working with a dietitian regularly will help you lose those extra pounds that you’ve gained over the years… AND help you develop great habits that will PREVENT further weight gain.

I’ve been thinking a lot about “pearls” of wisdom I can take from this journey. With only 1.5 weeks left, I’ve now had plenty of time to reflect on the challenges and victories that come with trying to lose weight. This is surely an ever-growing list, but I think this is a good start.

1. Weight loss takes dedication and discipline.

  • It is NOT easy to break bad habits AND make new ones at the same time. If anyone tells you differently, they are lying.

2. I will be hungry if I don’t eat the right foods.

3. I will be hungry if I don’t eat often enough.

  • See a theme in 2 and 3? Yes, eating less calories than you are burning can lead to hunger. The trick is to eat by day and fast by night. Plan 3 meals and 2 snacks to get through the day, and then stop eating after dinner (or 2 hours before bed). And choose satisfying snacks!

4. Vegetables ARE actually filling while not taking up that many calories.

5. Food tracking becomes easier as it becomes habit.

  • It’s tough to start, but it is such a great tool to facilitate weight loss.

6. Food tracking is easier if I put the food in right before I eat or right after.

7. Meal planning is essential to staying within my calorie budget and not depriving myself.

  • Tip: take one day of the week to plan at least 5 dinners, and make your grocery list. Leave yourself a back-up plan if a night doesn’t work out how you planned (e.g. have sub stuff on hand for a quick meal).

8. Eating out makes sticking to my calorie plan extremely difficult and even harder when eating healthily at the same time.

  • Tip: PLAN AHEAD. If you know you are going out to eat, check out the nutrition facts from the restaurant ahead of time and choose options that will fit into your meal plan.

9. Thinking about food all day can lead to “false hunger.”

  • Let me explain this. Planning my meals and snacks and accounting for every calorie can be overwhelming. It can start to consume your time to where all you can think about is the next time you eat. This is false hunger. You think you’re hungry, but your food diary says that you’ve had enough. This is tough for me. I’m thinking about my next meals not to mention that my job is centered around food. The best way I have learned to overcome this obstacle is to distract myself. After writing this article I’m heading straight out to take the dog for a walk. At work when I’m thinking about eating but know that I don’t need to, I walk around the store, go chat with a friend, find a new project to start working on, chew gum, etc. Whatever it takes to distract yourself, do it. I recommend physical activity for sure!

10. Lastly… Reward yourself!

  • Not with food. Losing weight? Excellent. Don’t sabotage yourself with a food reward or night out. Plan a massage or pedicure for the end of the challenge. Buy yourself a new outfit. Purchase new workout songs on Itunes. This is the fun part!

I hope these thoughts encourage you. I hope they help you see that you’re not alone. Most people experience the same challenges. The key is finding your perfect solution to get through the obstacles.

Stay with it. We’re almost there!

(love this logo from a government site in utah)

(love this logo from a government site in utah)

6 in 6: Week 5 Plan

Can anyone else believe how fast these last week 4 weeks have flown by? We only have 2 weeks left in our 6 in 6 challenge! Crazy!This week rushed by so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to get my journey thoughts out to you all… (apologies)… look for those this week! Maybe they will give you a 2nd wind to get to the end 🙂

Have you been as successful as you hoped?

What obstacles have stood in your way?

What are ways that you got around those obstacles?

What can you do to improve in the last 2 weeks?

At this point in the challenge our bodies can start to get used to the new routine. We may need to push ourselves a little harder than we did previously. My push will be a little bit more cardio and to make sure I actually get myself to the gym on the days planned.

Here you go!

12-9 Plan

I ended this past week with a fun Christmas get-together with some of my best friends 🙂 I did some splurging on pizza and cookies… not gonna lie. BUT I got back on the train today with an intense sweat session of yoga. It’s all about balance 🙂

Anyone who knows my husband knows which cookie was his favorite of mine :)

Anyone who knows my husband knows which cookie was his favorite of mine 🙂

6 in 6: Week 4! Plan

Guess What?! We’re halfway there. How are you doing so far? Facing any obstacles? Stay tuned this week because I’ll be posting some “Thoughts and Tips” I’ve learned while embarking on this journey with you.

Here is my week 4 plan!


Still having trouble visualizing what your calorie plan could look like? Here’s an example of a typical day for me at 1500 cal. Not perfect for sure, but I’m comfortable with this and I still enjoy everything that I choose to eat 🙂

1500 cal example

23 days until Christmas!


6 in 6 Challenge: Week 3 Plan

Almost half way there… 2 weeks in! My weigh-in date is tomorrow for week 2, but I was down 2.4# in the first week. Understanding that I chose to increase my calories by 200-300 for a couple days over Thanksgiving, I am hoping to be down .5-1# more from this past week. How are you doing?

This weight loss is by moving more and eating less. That’s it. No crazy diet, no elimination of any particular foods, no low carb days… just eating right and exercising.

Here’s my plan for week 3:


The way to prevent holiday weight gain is to eat like it’s the holidays for 1 or 2 days and then get back to your normal routine instead of over- indulging and snacking for the whole time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

So get back to it! It’s a new day and new week. Keep it up!

And for now… the Browns are winning! Go Browns!

Surviving and Thriving through Thanksgiving

Ok! Thanksgiving is officially tomorrow. Do you have a plan? Sure, this day is time to relax, enjoy family and food, and be grateful. Gluttony is not gratitude. So let’s enjoy without going overboard!

My plan is to start the day with a 5k race (with a 2 mile pre-race run 🙂 ) That’s 2 extra miles I was not planning to do… starting the day off right!

Here are a few tips for keeping your diet under control while still enjoying the day:

1. Don’t skip meals. It may be wise to limit calories for the other meals, but skipping meals will just lead to more hunger and then overeating and indulging later on. Keep breakfast simple and nutritious, but DO NOT SKIP it.

2. Make your own choices. You know your eating patterns. Don’t let the comments from others (e.g. would you like another roll, why aren’t you eating very much, do you want seconds, etc.) influence you. Take control of your own choices. See this article for some good tips about avoiding “health sabotagers.”

3. Stick to MyPlate as best as you can. Fill half your plate with those delicious brussels sprouts or roasted veggies, 1/4 plate with turkey/gravy, and 1/4 with potatoes and stuffing.

4. If it’s not your favorite, skip it. Find those dishes your mouth has been watering over and enjoy. Skip the calories on the food you really don’t like that much anyway.

5. Take a dish you know you can splurge on. Be the one to take a healthy dish. My plan is to be in charge of the roasted veggies and mashed cauliflower/turnip (as a potato replacement).

Here are few fun articles with more tips:

Party Guide

10 Food Swaps

More on Diet Wreckers


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